The quick build menu is very useful when you just want to lay out a prison and don’t want to take the extra time in planning how each room will look. No repercussions! Except, you know, maybe everyone will feel absolutely claustrophobic.īest Prison Architect Mods (Must Have Prison Architect Mods) More Quick Build Options This means that cells can be built at 2×2 now, holding cells at 2×4, yards at 2×2, and other crazy new dimensions. With it, you’re able to make rooms at much smaller sizes than the original designations for them. If you have always wanted to cramp up your prison, this mod is for you. Best Prison Architect Mods (Must Have Prison Architect Mods) Cramp Up the Rooms This should leave you more time to focus on more important endeavors, such as getting more inmates. Gone are the days of painstakingly seeking out the guards who serve you, now it all happens at the click of a button. You can even summon nearby guards or large groups of guards that will come from all areas of your prison.

Need a doctor? Hit the Doctor Dispatch button and one will come rushing to a prisoner or guard in need even if they’re far away. The Dispatch Mod allows you to summon the necessary individuals to a designated location. Searching for someone to help out can often times be an arduous process, but that is no longer the case with the Dispatch Mod. Have you noticed that there is never anyone around that works for you in Prison Architect when you need them most? A riot is breaking out, there are escapes happening, prisoners are dying, and literally no prison employees are in the area.